News / Events

SPADA Congratulates 'The Power of the Dog' Team

A huge congratulations to the team behind The Power of the Dog, this week confirmed as leading the nominations for the 94th Academy Awards which will be announced late next month. The film, shot exclusively in New Zealand and featuring a powerhouse local production crew as wel...

ScreenSafe Updates 4/2/22 & WATCH SPADA Omicron Update Discussion

SCREENSAFE UPDATE - 4 FEBRUARY 2021 ScreenSafe have released a number of updates today to support the screen sector's management of COVID-19, and more specifically Omicron. The OVERVIEW of ScreenSafe Protocols Update document provides more information, please note changes have b...

International Border & MIQ: 5-Step Plan to Reopen

The New Zealand border is set to reopen in five stages, from 11:59PM, 27 February, 2022, as follows:    STEP ONE: From 11:59pm Sunday 27 February 2022 Border extended to include: Fully vaccinated Kiwis and other currently eligible travellers from Australia will be able to tra...

COVID-19 Update 20 January 2022

Following today's Government COVID-19 update we've compiled the the key information which may be helpful for members: ALERT LEVELS: Northland will join the rest of the country in the orange setting from 11.59pm tonight. The Government has indicated that All of New Zealand will m...

SPADA looks forward to working with Members & MBIE/MCH on SPG Review

Kia ora koutou SPADA Members, The Government has announced it will review the NZSPG and the way it funds parts of the film and television industry to ensure the screen sector - a sector it recognises as offering significant cultural and economic value to Aotearoa New Zealand - h...