SPADA looks forward to working with Members & MBIE/MCH on SPG Review
Rāpare, 9 Hakihea 2021 / Thursday, 9 December 2021
The Government has announced it will review the NZSPG and the way it funds parts of the film and television industry to ensure the screen sector - a sector it recognises as offering significant cultural and economic value to Aotearoa New Zealand - has a more secure long-term future.
SPADA welcomes the review, which has been in discussion for some time and is a recommendation of the Screen Sector Strategy 2030, a 10-year framework developed by and for Aotearoa’s screen sector.
SPADA supports continued growth opportunities for the domestic sector, as well as leveraging the international NZ Screen Production Grant to ensure a balanced, robust and sustainable screen industry in Aotearoa.
Timeframe for Consultation
An Issues Identification paper will be developed January-May 2022; a consultation period will run from June through to November 2022, with a final report to Cabinet in April 2023.
SPADA, in consultation with members, looks forward to working closely with the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry of Culture & Heritage (MCH) on this joint review.
The Terms of Reference together with the full press statement can be found here.
The New Zealand Film Commission has also put out a statement.