New Brand Assets for Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air
1 November 2021Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air has launched new brand assets to help New Zealand audiences identify funded content. The changes include:
- Leading with the te reo translation of the agency’s name – Irirangi Te Motu
- Moving away from using the full spectrum of rainbow colours in the logo so as to better complement the range of places where it appears.
- The animated logo assets have been updated to fix compatability issues and incorporate key design elements that better speak to the kaupapa of NZ On Air - "our iconic swoosh transitions from a soundwave into the islands of Aotearoa, alluding to funded content connecting with audiences across the motu."
- The new animated credit sequence (for use at the beginning or end of content) incorporates a new, more zesty colour palette and also has no soundtrack.
- The NZ On Air updated Accreditation Requirements document:
- Is laid out much more clearly to differentiate between accreditation on different types of content, and producer and platform obligations when it comes to publicity and social media promotion.
- Includes information on new content accreditation requirements (such as content funded specifically for social media sites like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.)
- Includes guidance on placement and minimum sizes for the NZ On Air logo to ensure the text is always legible and the brand recognisable.
These new brand assets are for use from today forward. Please download these files and delete any saved versions of the old logo, animated logo bug, animated credit sequence or accreditations requirements document. Any NZ On Air logos or images found elsewhere are not approved for use.
- Download the new assets here.
- Download the updated accreditation requirements document here.