News / Events

COVID-19 Alert Level Changes 23 June 2021

Wellington region will be at Alert Level 2 at 6pm on Wednesday 23 June until 11:59pm on Sunday 27 June

The area includes Wairarapa and Kāpiti Coast. The rest of New Zealand stays at Alert Level 1. 


WATCH:  the full announcement from COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield 



  • Limits on gathering size to fewer than 100 people, including tangi, church services, weddings and so on
  • Physical distancing in public places of 2m, and at least 1m in most other places including workplaces
  • Face masks remain mandatory on all public transport, and are encouraged while waiting for public transport and in rideshare services and taxis as well
  • Businesses can open but must follow public health rules including the 100 person cap on venues
  • Hospitality locations must apply the three S rules
  • As with all levels, people with symptoms should call Healthline or their doctor to seek advice on getting a test
  • Travel is not restricted under alert level 2, but anyone who has been in the Wellington region over the weekend should keep alert level 2 behaviours if they go elsewhere.



You can find up to date information about LOCATIONS OF INTEREST HERE

For additional advice about Alert Level 2 in the Greater Wellington Area HERE



You can find more information about Alert Level 1 here.

Travel is not restricted under alert level 2, but anyone who has been in the Wellington region over the weekend should keep alert level 2 behaviours if they go elsewhere.


To keep up to date with COVID-19 announcements go to

To ensure your project is adhering to the ScreenSafe Guidelines for the Alert Level in your region go to



ScreenSafe issued this COVID 19 Wellington Update just prior to the Level 2 Announcement. 

All productions need to ensure they are operating to the ScreenSafe COVID-19 Health & Safety Standard Protocols as they relate to your region and Alert Level. Visit the ScreenSafe COVID-19 page for the full toolkit and information on how to apply the Alert Levels to your production.

Once again these changes take place in a rapidly evolving environment. We thank you all for the continued commitment from the screen sector to follow the guidelines and keep everyone safe, and please remember we are here to offer support to help you manage these changes.

Whether you're a member or not, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us - these are extremely challenging times and we're all in it together.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Ngā mihi,
The SPADA Executive and staff


NZ COVID-19 Page
ScreenSafe COVID-19 Page
RNZ COVID-19 Coverage
Health & Wellbeing during COVID-19
NZ COVID Tracer App - on App Store / on GOOGLE PLAY


Look after yourself, look after each other, be active with your hand washing and your contact tracing, and ask for help when you need it. 

He waka eke noa. We're all in this together.
