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$50M Premium Productions for International Audiences Fund Guidelines + Submissions Check List

$50M Premium Productions for International Audiences Fund / Pūtea Kiriata Hiranga - Premium Fund  /  Guidelines + Submissions Check List

D/Line: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 - 1:00pm

Portal: To open shortly

Terms of Trade: To be finalised shortly


The Fund’s guidelines are now available on the NZFC’s website (see links below), so we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our members who shared their feedback and thoughts, particularly those who provided detailed case studies, which contributed to SPADA’s submission.   


SPADA’s submission supported the inclusion of factual and animation, so we welcome the change to the parameters of the Fund which now has no restrictions on genre and content (subject to the conditions of the Premium Fund Terms of Trade [to be finalised shortly]).


The NZFC will be responsible for administering the Fund, so all applications must be made through the NZFC’s online portal.  NB: The portal will be accessed through the funding page on NZFC’s website.  The application portal will be open shortly, and we encourage everyone who is not already registered to do so ahead of time. 


We also note the introduction of a limit of two applications per production company. An individual producer also can only submit up to two applications (even if they are with different entities).


As noted previously, there will two rounds of production funding decisions, the first available for submission in the 2020/2021 financial year and with the second before the end of the 2021/2022 financial year. The first round is intended to provide financial support to production ready projects to help mitigate impacts of COVID-19 for New Zealand production companies in the short term.


The second round will be for projects with longer production lead times and additional guidelines for this, if necessary, will be published closer to the time.


Fund Guidelines


Submission Checklist


[Some productions are not eligible for this Fund:


× Projects that are registered or will register for International NZSPG;

× Advertising programmes or commercials;

× News or current affairs programmes;

× Productions of a public event or live event, including sports events, stage plays, music concerts, dance performances or comedy shows;

× Lifestyle and Reality TV;

× a discussion programme, current affairs programme, news programme, panel programme, or a programme of a like nature;

× pornography;

× a training programme;

× Interactive and Gaming projects;

× Content exclusively for video sharing websites or social media.]


We will advise members when the Portal and the Terms of Trade are open/available.
