
Spada is proud to represent Aotearoa New Zealand's leading screen producers and production companies. 

As the leading screen advocacy organisation in New Zealand, Spada works tirelessly on behalf of members to support, influence, and advocate for a robust and vital independent screen production sector.

In joining Spada, you not only have access to the benefits listed below, but you also show your support for the work of your colleagues and contemporaries over the last 40 years; as well as ensure that the work - and their legacy - will continue for another 40 years.


Advocate and Lobby: Spada has relationships with key industry stakeholders, including NZFC, NZ On Air, TVNZ, TV3, MBIE, and MCH, which enables it to represent members on key issues affecting producers in the screen sector. Head to Spada's submissions page to learn more.
Negotiate Discounts: Spada members receive discounts on key industry services, including legal advice, Spada Conference registration, NZIFF, DocEdge. Spada's full list of membership discounts can be found HERE.
Deliver Professional Training: Spada is committed to upskilling screen production professionals. Professional development opportunities through a programme of seminars and workshops.
Produce the highly regarded Annual Spada Conference: Head to our Spada Conference page to learn more.
Provide Advice: Spada's office can be contacted for advice on contractual and regulatory issues, negotiating with funders and broadcasters, and help with strategy and general industry information. Members are also eligible for free legal advice (up to 20 minutes) from Entertainment Lawyers who are Associate Members of Spada.
Bulletins: Monthly newsletters and email bulletins will keep you up to date with the latest industry news, initiatives, meetings, and issues affecting producers.

Membership Obligations

Code of Best Practice
The Code of Best Practice was developed to reflect and formalise professional standards in the film and television industry. All members of Spada must adhere to it.  Please read this document before completing your membership form - click HERE.


Production Levies
Spada membership commits producers and production companies to the payment of levies on all productions (NZ budget component) where they are responsible for that budget.  Levies are calculated at a flat rate of 0.1% of total production budget regardless of format or genre.  Levies are payable on the first day of principal photography.  A levy declaration form is issued to members via email at the beginning of every month.


Want to Know More/Join Spada?

Please fill out the membership form or contact us for more information. Please note, approval of your membership application is at Spada's discretion.
