Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology. Spada has actively engaged in the conversation by hosting discussions at its annual conference and collaborating with the NZWG on a dedicated webinar.
To further support members and independent producers in navigating the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into your businesses and productions, Spada has compiled a range of valuable resources below. If incorporating AI at any stage of your project, Spada strongly recommends that members follow best practices—placing particular emphasis on copyright compliance and adherence to any relevant industry guidelines.
NewZealand.AI - an overview of the various types of AI, including Generative AI, along with the ethical and privacy considerations of utilising AI HERE
MSD & AcademyEX ‘Digital Passport’ AI Courses - three free online training to help you understand AI tools and how you can apply them in your workplace HERE
Screen Australia ‘AI Guiding Principles’ HERE, which incorporatesthe Australian Government’s ‘AI Ethics Principles’
Pact’s Artificial Intelligence Resources - HERE
Archival Producers Alliance –Best Use of Generative AI In Documentaries HERE
Spada welcomes members to share resources specific to Producers on the use of AI and Generative AI - please email with details.