COVID-19 Update 27 January 2022: Masks, 3-Phase Strategy and Finanical Support
Rāpare, 27 Kohi-tātea 2022 / Thursday, 27 January 2022- A face covering will need to be an actual mask and attached to the head by loops around the ears or head. This means scarves, bandannas, or t-shirts should not be used.
- You will need to wear a mask at food and drink businesses, close-proximity businesses, and events and gatherings. You can take your mask off to eat, drink or exercise.
- Workers who are mandated to be vaccinated will need to wear a medical grade mask when working in public facing roles. For example a Type IIR/Level 2 mask or above.
- Mask use is recommended whenever you leave the house.
These changes will come into force at 11:59pm Thursday 3 February.
Announced 26 January 2022, the 3-Phase Strategy sets out the actions Government will be taking in testing, contact tracing, case management, and isolation, in quarantine, here in the community, in response to Omicron in our communities.
Phase One (current state):
- ‘Stamp it out’ approach
- Community PCR testing - testing station or primary health provider
- Contract tracing as exists
- Isolation periods as exists:
- Positive Result = Isolate for 14 Days at home (if safe to do so) or in a managed facility
- Close Contact = Isolate for 10 Days at home (if safe to do so) or in a managed facility
- 'Slow the spread and protect our vulnerable communities'
- Reduce the isolation period in line with best practice overseas:
- Positive Result = Isolate for 10 Days at home (if safe to do so) or in a managed facility
- Close Contact = Isolate for 7 Days at home (if safe to do so) or in a managed facility
- Household contacts will actively be managed by contact tracing services, with close contacts requiring a PCR test on day 5.
- Digital technology is used more in this phase. Cases will be notified via text message and be directed to an online self-investigation tool which will focus on high-risk exposures
- Change to current testing requirements for critical workers who are close contacts of cases - widespread use of the test to return-to-work policy where asymptomatic contacts in critical workforces can return a negative rapid antigen test in order to go to work.
- Testing of symptomatic people and Close Contacts with PCR testing but we will be enabling ‘test to return’ for asymptomatic critical workers who are close contacts of cases using rapid antigen tests (RATs). RATs will be integrated into our testing system at this phase and will work alongside PCR tests
- Cases are in the thousands
- Isolation: The definition of contacts will change to household and household like contacts only. This will mean the highest risk contacts will need to isolate.
- Testing: Supported self-service, rapid antigen testing for diagnosing COVID-19
- The majority of people will be supported and be able to self-manage and isolate at home; and clinical care will focus on anyone with high needs.
- Digital technologies will continue to be utilised at this phase, and people will be supported to self-notify Close Contacts. There will be continued support for those members of our community who are not digitally enabled.
Available to Employers for themselves or Employees, or Self-Employed who:
- Have been officially advised to self-isolate for a period of at least four consecutive days because:
- hey have COVID-19 or
- they are a close contact of a person who has COVID-19 or
- they are the parent or caregiver of a dependant who has been advised to self-isolate or
- they are in the category of people most at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or
- they have household members in the category of people who are most at risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
- Does NOT include: close contacts / awaiting test results / casual contacts / refusal to work / additional criteria as indicated.
- The Leave Support Scheme is paid at a flat rate of:
- $600.00 a week for full-time workers who were working 20 hours or more a week
- $359 a week for part-time workers who were working less than 20 hours a week.
- The Leave Support Scheme is paid as a weekly payment per employee for a period of at least four consecutive days of self-isolation. If an employee needs to self-isolate for at least 11 calendar days or more, you can apply for a second weekly payment.
Available for businesses, including self-employed people, to help pay their employees who cannot work from home while they wait for a COVID-19 test result.
- It’s to help businesses keep paying eligible employees who:
- cannot work from home, and
- need to miss work to stay home while waiting for a COVID-19 test result (in line with public health guidance).
- A one-off payment of $359 for each eligible worker / self-employed person. Available once, for each eligible employee, in any 30-day period (unless a health official or doctor tells the employee to get another test).
The Government has released advice on how to plan and prepare for the impacts of COVID-19, and more specifically Omicron, on your business, including:
- Dealing with Omicron
- Reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections at your business
- Have a plan for COVID-19 cases affecting your business
- Follow public health advice if you, your workers or someone else who visits your premise has COVID-19
- Look after yourself and your mental health
We appreciate that this is once again a huge challenge for the screen sector, and will continue to advocate for sector access to MIQ and International Travel for key people.
With widespread cases people are asked to take steps to plan and prepare for the possibility of illness, or isolation at home should they be deemed a close contact. It's important to understand whether you are able to safely isolate at home, and what you might need to keep yourself and those around you safe. Being prepared in advance will help you take immediate action should you or someone you're closely connected to test positive for COVID-19.
You can find more information HERE.
In regards to how to manage the risks associated with productions in this environment, please continue to follow the guidance of ScreenSafe, and SPADA will provide you with any updates and resources as they come to hand.